
Archive | Celebrate


Look Whoo’s Turning ONE! Calvin’s Birth Story and First Birthday Party | 2011

There once was a boy born into the world at lightening speed. He took his very first breath in a quiet room with only his mama, daddy and midwife present.  After only two and half hours of labor and a mere few pushes, he was handed to his mama who sang out in joyous delight, a song of love. Because his labor was so fast, it took them all by surprise. They listened to his boisterous cry letting the world know of his presence. As his mama shushed him and stared deeply into his eyes, he soon calmed. “Forever, my love” the mama thought as she counted each finger and toe, letting his fingers curl around hers.

Soon the boy grew into is first smile, first laugh, first crawl, first step. And each first was celebrated with joy from his mama and daddy. The little boy was very loved. With each day he became more independent. He loved playing with his toy cars and toy truck. He was a curious and observant child with a wise soul. He had yet to say his first word, but he was not to be underestimated! He knew more than he could say, he could think more than spoke, and notice more than one could realize. “Wise as an owl” his mother thought.

And that is how his Owl Birthday came to be!



"Every experience of beauty points to eternity" - Hans Urs Von Balthasar