
Archive | Family


A White Christmas | 2017

On Christmas Eve Santa brought snow from the North Pole creating a White Christmas!

The girls were eager to greet our guests for Dinner and to watch the snowflakes fall from the evening sky.

We opened up our home to several of Eric’s co-workers for a Christmas Eve dinner. A few weren’t able to make it because of the sudden snow flurry and the steep hills around our home. But for those that were able to make it, we were grateful to celebrate with them and enjoy a prime rib dinner.

After dinner, our children gathered in the family room to watch Charlie Brown Christmas before heading up to bed.

It was completely magical to wake up to a white Christmas. The children were so excited they nearly missed the pile of presents under the tree!

After opening up their stockings and a simple breakfast of eggs and cinnamon rolls, we all decided to play in the snow before anything else.

Calvin was excited to show me this heart shaped rock he found while we searched for pebbles to make eyes for our snowman

It isn’t a surprise that they named our snowman Olaf

Eric pulled down the sleds from storage so we could all enjoy sledding down the big neighborhood hill

Our children nearly forgot about the Christmas presents still wrapped under the tree… almost. As soon as we all were ready, we headed in and warmed up to some hot cocoa

Calvin wanted to be “Santa” and surprised us all with gifts he had made for each of us out of his “Santa Bag.”

Eric’s was the best! Calvin made him a Lego mug with D A D spelled on the sides.

We all stayed in our Christmas jammies all day surrounded by piles of wrapping paper while the children played with their gifts and we watched our favorite Christmas movies.

Growing up there was nothing better than being a kid on Christmas morning, but it hardly compares to the joy that comes with being a parent on this magical day.


"Every experience of beauty points to eternity" - Hans Urs Von Balthasar