
Archive | Family


Christmas Letter | 2017

Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

The people who walk in darkness
    will see a great light.
For those who live in a land of deep darkness,
    a light will shine…

For a child is born to us,
    a son is given to us.
The government will rest on his shoulders.
    And he will be called:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
 His government and its peace
    will never end.
He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David
    for all eternity.
The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies
    will make this happen!


2017 was a really special year. Our family was able to make new friends, deepen existing relationships, and continue to build our Jones family legacy. Eric and I have now spent more than half of our lives together as a couple and we continue to learn what it means to love one another, sacrifice for each other and our children, and be continually thankful for the blessing of each day God provides. I look forward to this opportunity to share more with you and hope that you find it to be a blessing.

We are so thankful and blessed to have the opportunity to love and parent our three wonderful Children, Calvin- 7, Georgia- 4 (5 in 3 weeks), and Hazel- 3. Each of their personalities is so fun, unique, silly, and sometimes frustrating but we love them always through it all. In 2017, we completed all of the necessary pre-requisite work to gain certification for becoming Washington State Licensed Foster Parents. We are excited to share this news with you! In the coming year, God willing our family will be growing by +1 or so. Currently we are being licensed for newborn to 4 years of age as that is what we feel best equipped for. Fostering is often not a “cake walk” and for us it is not about growing our family, but opening up our heart and home to children in need. Eric and I are unsure of what God’s plans are for our family however we are very excited to provide a safe place for children in need and have a heart to provide a permanent home through adoption if/ when the opportunity avails itself.

We have now been a part of the Mission Church in Renton for just under two years. Our “faith family” (friends from church) have become such an integral part of our life and in large part represented proxies for extended family that in 2017 have not been as present in our life for a variety of different reasons. We are continually praying for softened hearts and healing changes to take place as we continue to wait and rest in God’s provision and care as He draws us to our knees and closer to Him. We are so thankful for the counsel we have received and the support from our caring friends and their gift of love and friendship. In 2017, I was able to attend the Cannon Beach women’s conference along with a group of the Mission Church Women. I also lead a Broken Way Bible Study with a circle of close friends which has turned into a bi-monthly get together for either girl’s nights, playdates, summer BBQ’s and holiday gatherings as our families all enjoy living in community with each other.

In 2017, Eric and I celebrated our 11th anniversary on the slopes in Whistler. Our family also braved two camping trips both in Central Washington; first with our church and second with our homeschool co-op.  In both instances the weather was perfect, kid’s attitudes mostly intact, and we have plans to go again next summer. We also took a week vacation in Lake Chelan where we enjoyed the summer heat, lake and pool. We even rented a boat and took the kids out tubing for the first time.

Eric is still in the same role at Amazon. 2017 was a really good year as his team was able to improve many aspects of their performance year over year. Amazon’s fast pace is at times a challenge to find balance with however he will have been at amazon for five years in January 2018 and this past year was by far the best when comparing to previous years at amazon or UPS before that. Eric’s immediate and extended team really are pretty awesome! Besides the traffic which is not always too bad, Eric says 2017 at amazon was a really good year.

All three kids are part of the ACTS homeschool co-op and enjoy the relationships and change of pace once a week. I helped T.A. one of Calvin’s classes called The Story Of Orchestra and also helped in the toddler room. This year Calvin and Georgia are in Awana at a local church in Renton. Eric serves as a group leader with the kids in 5th grade. Calvin also joined Cub scouts and is learning so much and having fun. Our Family still frequents the YMCA and Eric and I love the Parent’s Night Out program and utilize it frequently for date nights.

2017 was an incredible year of growth and change. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior and His gift of Salvation, may we be filled with wonder and awe this season and coming New Year. Merry Christmas to you all!


"Every experience of beauty points to eternity" - Hans Urs Von Balthasar