
Archive | Family


Our Wedding Day | 2006

Eleven years ago.

…and I will never forget it.

I hardly slept the night before, I was so excited.

A necklace and earrings my mother made for me. The beginning of an heirloom to mark a new legacy.

I will never forget the way he looked at me in my wedding dress during our first look.

When he told me how beautiful I was and how he made me feel it.

The way we cuddled close together for warmth on that cold February day.

How surprised I was when he scooped me up and twirled.

The love was so real, you could touch it.

I will never forget the way he locked eyes with me as I walked down the aisle.

The way we held hands so tightly, he could sense how nervous I was.

We were so young and in love.

We couldn’t wait to start our lives together as man and wife.

We were dreamers.

But we both couldn’t have dreamed up the life God had in store for us.

There has been a whole lot of life in those eleven years. School, a Masters degree, two houses, several job changes and three beautiful children. We’ve shared a lot of tears and I’m sure there will be more. Yes, of course there are things we wish we could change or had done better.

But we know more now and I look at these pictures and see how far we have come. We have learned to better prioritize and invest in what’s most important. To cherish and protect the gift of marriage God has given to us.

It was a beautiful day and I will never forget it.

Here’s to that lovely day, the eleven years in between, and the many more to come.

Happy Anniversary to us! xoxo





"Every experience of beauty points to eternity" - Hans Urs Von Balthasar