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Spring Break | Great Wolf Lodge 2018

We tried something new this year and joined our homeschool co-op for Spring Break at Great Wolf Lodge! Of course we planned the trip right after the public schools in WA so that we could enjoy shorter lines. We all had so much fun that when it was time for us to go home I was in the car while my youngest napped, and the other two were hanging out with dad at the Arcade! They did not want to leave

The girls loved this little kid cabin area in our room

We were encouraged to pack some breakfast food and snacks so we decided for dinner our first night to try out a local Mexican hole in the wall located not too far from the lodge. The food was fantastic and it was nice break to leave the noise and hustle and bustle back at the lodge. The girls fell asleep on our way home but as soon as we got back to the lodge they were in full swing. They loved the late night dance party and would have danced the night away if we would have let them.

I mostly hung out in this kid section with the girls while Eric took Calvin on the slides. Eric would take turns with the girls periodically too.

We weren’t sure what to expect and it was fun how many activities they offered for the kids needing a break from the pool and chlorine. We made sure to take advantage of some of them and the kids were even able to meet Wiley the Wolf.

This ended up being a pleasant highlight during a very rainy season and we have plans to go back!


"Every experience of beauty points to eternity" - Hans Urs Von Balthasar