
Archive | Travel


Family Vacation | Mexico 2014

When I was 5 months pregnant, we packed our bags and boarded a plane for a vacation to Mexico as a family. It was both Calvins and Georgias first plane ride and honestly, despite my anxiousness, they traveled really well. Of course there were a few fits here and there, normal stuff, but overall they exceeded my expectations and were actually incredibly flexible, and for that I am so grateful. The kids had a great time and it was so fun take them to a new country where they could experience a different culture. This was also both of their first time playing on a warm Ocean beach as they have only ever experienced the more colder beaches where we live in Washington. You could see how absolutely fascinated Georgia was with the sand as she would sink her feet into it and squish the soft sand between her hands, and on occasion even put it in her mouth! Oh these moments will be forever with me.


"Every experience of beauty points to eternity" - Hans Urs Von Balthasar