
Georgia’s Madeline 4th Birthday Party | 2017

Georgia turned four years old last week, however it feels just like yesterday when she was only a baby. What an incredible little girl she has become! Georgia is very loved.

As many of you already know, I love to throw parties. I simply love to celebrate together with the people I care most about in this life. I am especially fond of throwing birthday parties because I absolutely love to make my children feel extra special on their day! Celebrating my children is one of my favorite parts of being a mother. I even enjoy all of party planning details; prepping, shopping and making lists. My creative juices just flow.

For Georgia’s party this year I decided on a Madeline theme. We own several Madeline books and Georgia is very fond of me reading them to her. For Christmas we even bought her the DVD cartoon set and she has been watching the shows on occasion. She often quotes lines such as “we love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other.” So the idea to do a Madeline party came about easily. After some online shopping, my favorite kind, I found some adorable Madeline style dresses and yellow hats for the girls to wear. And of course each girl needed their own dog, Genevieve. The party came together easily. I like to stick to a budget as to ensure my parties have a homemade feel to them. I also try to incorporate items we already have on hand and decorations we have used from past parties. The paper fans and chalkboard bunting have been well used. Balloons and fresh flowers are always a great bang for the buck too. Paired with a homemade cake I cut into a hat and adorned with a red ribbon, everything really came together nicely without too much fuss.

The house is a doll storage case and was a gift from Grandma

The girls loved dressing up and I even curled their hair and dabbed on some cream blush (for special occasions only)

Each girl received thier own hat and balloon

These puppies made for adorable party favors

I even found some Madeline puppets, including Miss Clavel

And this one! Seriously, could they be more adorable?! #allthehearteyes





"Every experience of beauty points to eternity" - Hans Urs Von Balthasar