
Christmas Letter | 2016

Welcome to my new blog! One of the benefits of this space is the chance it gives me to connect with you, my friends and family. And in what better way is there to begin but in a Christmas letter that recaps the year, no?  We’ve had a busy and happy year here in the Jones household!

After finishing a successful Christmas peak season at Amazon last year, Eric was recruited to another team at Amazon. I’m still not exactly sure what all his new job entails, but I can tell you that it has something to do with managing network systems that ensure that your packages are delivered to your home on time.  Eric’s team also oversaw the launch of several new transportation centers. This included traveling first to California then later, North Carolina. After nearly 11 years of marriage, I have embraced the idea that I married a man that loves a challenge, moving up the proverbial corporate ladder, and that a regular 8-5 job is never going happen, ha!

We celebrated 10 years of marriage last February by taking a 5 day trip to Whistler; leaving our children in the care of Grandma and Grandpa. Eric and I had never been to Whistler and we immediately fell in love with the charming ski village. Prior to our arrival in Whistler, we stayed a night in Vancouver to explore the city. We stayed the remainder of the week at the base of the ski lifts on Blackcomb Mountain. Eric made sure no time was wasted. He would even put my ski boots on for me in the morning while I ate my breakfast! Somehow he timed it so well that we made it up on the last gondola ride up before the lifts closed for the day; his efficiency is impeccable.  And despite some low elevation rain the first day, we had a wonderful time skiing together. The trip was a success and we already have made plans to return again for our next anniversary.

In January Eric ran in the Lake Young’s Nut run, a 19.2 mile hilly, gravel trail around a lake reservoir in Kent, with several of his coworkers and some old church friends. Eric also meets with some of these same friends each week prior to work to run around Lake Union. This also includes the occasional run to Daily Dozen Doughnuts at Pike Place market for a post run breakfast. While Top Pot doughnuts carry the most popularity in South Lake Union, Eric is adamant that the Daily Dozen quality is so far and away above anything else in the world, he may bet more than he should on it.

Unexpectedly in early May, Eric’s back went out. After his first trip to the doctor to have his back evaluated, the doctor thought it was only a simple strain and Eric was given the okay to continue running and exercising as normal. But several days later after his morning run, Eric could hardly walk, bend or lift anything. He had his back evaluated again, which revealed that he indeed had a bulging disc. This resulted in him seeing the chiropractor and massage therapist 3 days a week for nearly a month. The chiropractor believed that Eric’s injury was the result of unsupported abdominal exercises (like leg lifts) aggravated by frequent running.  Eric only meets now once a week to run around Lake Union.

This last summer we all joined the YMCA as a family. We now meet there after Eric gets off work 3-4 days a week. The facility is great for kids and Calvin is involved in their fit kids program.  There are several benefits to joining the Y besides the childcare they provide. The membership also includes access to their pool, use of a 40’ climbing wall, dance and camp programs. Once a month they offer a parent’s night out, which we use for date nights periodically. Eric and I are working through a fitness regime called Body Earned that came as a recommendation from one of my old coworkers at Gene Juarez. As a result I have discovered my love of lifting heavy weights! I’m still getting used to the equipment and I still have a lot of room for improvement, but I’m slowly seeing some changes. Eric already looks shredded…

In May we traveled to Puerto Vallarta Mexico for a family vacation. On our previous Mexico vacation, when I was pregnant with Hazel, our AC unit was broken upon arrival. As a result the company that owned the condo compensated our temporal suffering by giving us a free week in Mexico. Needless to say, we cashed in on that deal. Furthermore, we thought it would be savvy to book a week while Hazel was small enough to gain free lap sitting airfare. Big. Mistake. Usually Hazel is very shy and content staying close to me while around strangers and in new places. However, after the incredibly long lines through TSA, she was done. Despite stickers, suckers, puppets, the leap pad, and movies on the Kindle, Hazel cried, well actually threw tantrums, a good portion of the plane ride both there and back. The trip was a very humbling experience as a parent. Eric shrugged it off better as he explained that we’ll never see these people again. It also helped that my other two children behaved like saints. Despite the plane ride, we enjoyed a great time at the beach, at the pool and in the sun as family for a much needed retreat and vacation. Wonderful memories were made in Mexico.

Calvin started first grade this year and is in his second year homeschooling. He learned how to read last year. Yeah, I taught him that! Basically I feel superhuman and I’m not sure if I’m more proud of him or myself, ha! I had no idea what a privilege teaching him to read would be until after having gone through it thus far. Wow! Calvin is an incredible kid and I think he might be the smartest one I have ever met. Completely unbiased, no? He’s on book #18 in Boxcar Children’s Mystery series, loves Legos, playing Minecraft, and annoying his sisters.

Georgia will be turning four years old soon, as her birthday is in January. Georgia loves tea parties, music, dancing, dress-up clothes and being outside. She makes friends very easily and often introduces them to me as “that’s my friend” always with a slight head tilt which is adorable. She is always the first person to wake me up in the morning by crawling in my bed for “morning cuddles.” She is my most adventurous of my three and is definitely an extrovert. Georgia is one reason why we joined YMCA when we did. She thrives being able to get of the house and be with other people. And I am glad we found a good compromise to meet her need as I continue to homeschool her for pre-school.

Hazel turned two in September. Hazel is shy but not a quiet kind of shy, at times she can be very loud. I would describe her personality as rather coy. She takes a while to get warmed up to new people and has a playful side which is charming. Hazel loves dolls which she calls her “babies.” The girls get along well and are completely adorable to watch play together. I share many of these moments on snapchat and on Instagram, they’re just too cute not to capture. My favorite times are usually caught while the girls are playing outside, on the swings or in the treehouse.

This last fall we joined a new co-op that I had been on a waiting list for. ACTS (the co-op) is located at Faith Church, formerly Faith Baptist Church, where Eric and I grew up attending and were married at. One of my neighbors attends the co-op and introduced me to the group. The members of ACTS, while all having diverse viewpoints on what the best homeschool methods are, or how to best raise a family are really great and the group’s different beliefs collectively fit well with my values. We all have already made several new friends and I am completely impressed by the women that put in so much time to organize and run the co-op. My sister and her kids attend as well, so the cousins really enjoy having classes together and seeing each other on a weekly basis.

Eric and I joined a new church called The Mission Church in Renton. We had been looking for a church after Mars Hill dissolved, which we previously attended for nearly 9 years. The ending of Mars Hill was very hard on us. We loved our church and church family, and it many ways it was one of the toughest experiences to walk through. I can only describe it as like the death of a dear friend. But I can say now that we love the Mission Church and the church has been nothing but a blessing in our lives. We are confident that this is where God has placed us! Eric and I volunteer in the children’s ministry and are involved in a community group. We have met some incredible people there and I know we are forming lasting relationships. I’m excited to be part of the Mission Church.

This last month I closed up shop (my hair coloring business). Not because I wanted to but because I simply couldn’t find the time for it.  I have discovered that life produces too much life! I am grateful to my friends and family that became loyal clients. I always had so much fun doing hair and it was a wonderful creative outlet for me. That said, I’m excited for this new chapter of life and I am looking forward to sharing some of these new creative pursuits here on this blog!

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"Every experience of beauty points to eternity" - Hans Urs Von Balthasar